Ripubblico qui un pezzo di codice LotusScript che non ho scritto io e che mi era servito tempo fa ma che ora non ritrovo più in rete .
Probabilmente il post originale se ne è andato ma potrebbe servire ancora a qualcuno .
Si tratta di una libreria (chiamata Netfunctions ) che permette di eseguire connect e disconnect da share di rete per scrivere o leggere dati, il tutto dall’interno di una procedura LotusScript.
Per prima cosa la libreria. Copiate ed incollate il codice qui sotto in una Script Library del vostro database e chiamatela NetFunctions (o come preferite):
' ---- NetFunctions Library START---- ‘ ******** Options section Option Public Public Const NO_ERROR = 0 Public Const CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE = &H1 ‘ The following includes all the constants defined for NETRESOURCE, ‘ not just the ones used in this example. Public Const RESOURCETYPE_DISK = &H1 Public Const RESOURCETYPE_PRINT = &H2 Public Const RESOURCETYPE_ANY = &H0 Public Const RESOURCE_CONNECTED = &H1 Public Const RESOURCE_REMEMBERED = &H3 Public Const RESOURCE_GLOBALNET = &H2 Public Const RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN = &H1 Public Const RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC = &H0 Public Const RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER = &H2 Public Const RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE = &H3 Public Const RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE = &H1 Public Const RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER = &H2 ‘ Error Constants: Public Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5& Public Const ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED = 85& Public Const ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE = 66& Public Const ERROR_BAD_DEVICE = 1200& Public Const ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME = 67& Public Const ERROR_BAD_PROFILE = 1206& Public Const ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER = 1204& Public Const ERROR_BUSY = 170& Public Const ERROR_CANCELLED = 1223& Public Const ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE = 1205& Public Const ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_REMEMBERED = 1202& Public Const ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR = 1208& Public Const ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = 86& Public Const ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH = 1203& ‘ ******** Declarations section Type NETRESOURCE dwScope As Long dwType As Long dwDisplayType As Long dwUsage As Long lpLocalName As String lpRemoteName As String lpComment As String lpProvider As String End Type Declare Function WNetAddConnection2 Lib “mpr.dll” Alias “WNetAddConnection2A” (lpNetResource As NETRESOURCE, Byval lpPassword As String, Byval lpUserName As String, Byval dwFlags As Long) As Long Declare Function WNetCancelConnection2 Lib “mpr.dll” Alias _ “WNetCancelConnection2A” (Byval lpName As String, _ Byval dwFlags As Long, Byval fForce As Long) As Long Dim NetPath As String , MyPass As String, MyUser As String, LocalDriveString As String Dim MyFileName$ Public Sub Connect() Dim NetR As NETRESOURCE Dim ErrInfo As Long NetR.dwScope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET NetR.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK NetR.dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE NetR.dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE If LocalDriveString<>”” Then NetR.lpLocalName = NetPath ‘ If undefined, Connect with no device NetR.lpRemoteName = NetPath ‘ Your valid share ‘NetR.lpComment = “Optional Comment” ‘NetR.lpProvider = ‘ Leave this undefined ‘ If the MyPass and MyUser arguments are null (use vbNullString), the ‘ user context for the process provides the default user name. ErrInfo = WNetAddConnection2(NetR, MyPass, MyUser, _ CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE) If ErrInfo = NO_ERROR Then Print”Net Connection Successful!”+” (“+NetPath+”)” Else Msgbox “Connect Error:”+Str(ErrInfo )+”.Net Connection Failed!” End If End Sub Public Sub Disconnect() Dim ErrInfo As Long Dim strLocalName As String ‘ You may specify either the lpRemoteName or lpLocalName If LocalDriveString=”” Then strLocalName = NetPath Else strLocalName = LocalDriveString ‘strLocalName = “H:” ErrInfo = WNetCancelConnection2(strLocalName, _ CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, True) If ErrInfo = NO_ERROR Then Print “Net Disconnection Successful!” +” (“+strLocalName+”)” Else Msgbox “Disconnect Error:”+Str(ErrInfo )+”. Net Disconnection Failed!” End If End Sub ‘ —- NetFunctions Library END—-
Poi createvi il vostro agent LotusScript che come prima istruzione deve avere un Use “NetFunctions” (o come l’avete chiamata).
Qui sotto il codice di esempio per vedere come utilizzarla:
' ---- Agent START ---- Option Public Use "NetFunctions" Sub Initialize Dim session As New notessession NetPath= “\\\folder$” MyFileName$=NetPath+”\myfile.txt” MyUser =”windowsuser” MyPass =”userpassword” LocalDriveString=”” ‘ can be left empty Call Connect Call writeTofile(“test string to write”) Call Disconnect Call Connect tmpread=readFromfile() Print “File last updated: “+Cstr(Filedatetime(MyFileName$)) Call Disconnect MsgBox tmpread End Sub Sub writeTofile(wrstr as String) Open MyFileName$ For Output As #1 Print #1, wrstr Close #1 End Sub Function readFromfile() Open MyFileName$ For Input As #2 Do Until Eof(2) Line Input #2, tmp tmp1=tmp1+tmp Loop Close #2 readFromfile=tmp1 End Function ‘ —- Agent END —-
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